
The Revolution will be Typewritten

(This is cheating)

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Why typewriters?

When it comes to typewriters, either you get the passion for and fascination with them, or you shrug before going back to scrolling on Twitter.  For those of you who get it and are looking to add one of these dream machines to your life, check out my links below.  (And once you have your new machine, send me a typewritten letter, and I'll reply in kind.  We freaks gotta stick together.)

There is nothing like writing on a typewriter.  With the proliferation of laptops and constant internet connectivity, writers have needed more and more willpower to stay focused. Trust me.  I can't tell you how many times I've convinced myself I was "doing research" looking at Reddit.  Laptops multitask and spellcheck and flash and buzz and tempt and distract.   The typewriter gets rid of all that.  It's just there for you to write... and write and write and write. (By the way, you don't really need Scrivener and a MacBook Pro to write.  Typewriters worked well for these authors.) 

Sure, if you are a professional writer or a blogger or an English major you'll have to eventually take those pages and type them into a Word document, but the effort is worth it. (And I actually have a great hybrid solution: my favorite distraction-free, not-quite-a-typewriter (and even uploads files to a computer) Alphasmart Neo.)    

Typewriters don't judge, don't correct  your spelling, don't interrupt you with a text or a tweet or an ad for something, don't tempt you to stop typing and click over to eBay, don't mine your data or put your words into the cloud.  Typewriters just let you think and write.  

It's not as easy as heading over to Best Buy, walking past the tablets, computers and phones and finding the typewriters... because you won't find the typewriters.  In fact, there are very few typewriters being manufactured today, and the ones available are often crap.  (Sorry whoever is using the legendary Royal name, but your new Epoch and Classic manual typewriters can't even type a straight line.)  

Vintage machines really are the way to go, and luckily there are a lot of them available.

Now, let's load the paper and get started.  Remember, everytime that little typewriter bell rings, an analog angel gets his wings...

This movie will convert you to typewriters.
Find my favorite typewriter guys here.
Learn more about them here.

Buy yourself a typewriter here.
You can also get one here.
This is the best way to get a deal on a typewriter.

This 1973 Royal Custom III is the typewriter I use most. (See it over there on the far right column, and also in the picture at the bottom of this page.)

I also love to write with my family's 1954 Smith Corona Silent Super when my daughter lets me use it.

I learned to type on an Underwood made in 1923 -- a family heirloom that once belonged to my grandfather.  It has been in regular use for almost 100 years!(You can see the back of it in the picture at the bottom of this page.) Think about the brilliance of that machine, still working perfectly after decades and decades and decades of use.  Try to find any piece of modern tech that will be working as designed in 2119.
Our Smith Corona Silent Super

This is only new typewriter I'd own.

(Or this one if I wanted to spend the bucks.)

This is my favorite electric typewriter.  I've had mine since I was a student in 1984.
(Rescue one from someone's closet here.)

This book gives expert instructions on how to ship typewriters.  If you buy from an inexperienced eBay seller, you can let him or her know how to pack your machine.

Find out the basics on typewriter restoration and maintenance here.

Find like-minded typing folks here.

Resist the digital paradigm by starting here.
My analog dining room... AKA the family typing pool
A 1954 Smith Corona Silent Super, a 1972 Royal Custom III and a 1923 Underwood 5
(With my childhood 1970s rainbow Polaroid on the cabinet in the background)

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